
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: desembre, 2018

ecologic houses.

WHAT ARE? Is an environmentally low-impact home designed and built using materials and technology that reduces its  carbon footprint  and lowers its energy needs ON WHITCH ARE BASED? Energy loss Insulation Passive solar gain Active solar gain Living gain Heat recovery ventilation Living heat loss Health Sustainable materials WHAT HAVE OF DIFERENT?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdekPLQ5z6o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdekPLQ5z6o Sustainable architecture takes into account the impact of construction on the environment and attempts to minimize it as much as possible

Sostanible construction in findland

 In findland they build with wood because they have a lot and also cointens a lot of CO2. they tract very good the wood after build the houses they put water to improve the resistence of the material.

Current Criteria

The Ministry of Development promotes and regulates building quality in a basic manner in order to respond to the growing social demand in this area and the requirements of related national and European policies, also contributing to the improvement of the competitiveness of the sector, through the promotion of innovation. The basic criteria that guide this line of action and at the same time, define the main areas in which it is developed are: the promotion of energy efficiency and sustainable development, the guarantee of accessibility to avoid discrimination of people with disabilities and promote its mobility, and the application of innovations and new technologies

which country is this more desemvoluped?

Suecia is the most sostanible country, because they use a lot of wood to build the houses, allof the  matirials they use are recyclable, and they recicle all the rubbish.